My Hometown - Jaipur calling!
Here I see a road for opportunities & possibilities for women!

So finally I could visit my home, my family and also my new found family through The House of Creativ-ity! It was the most fulfilling trip on so many fronts. Here you will see a few images when I visited the NGO. It was such a pleasure to meet the people I work with, the creative director Archana, the artisans, the tailor master jee. I hope you also enjoy the pictures and get a feel of the Indian or rather the Rajathani summer here.
The NGO is Anoothi an hours drive from Jaipur and these were the first signs, greens all around, blue skies, hot summer and smell of village which made me nostalgic and took me back to my very early childhood days when I used to visit my grandmother with my brother and my mom in a small village in Rajasthan!
Here I see a road for opportunities & possibilities for women.
It was such a mixed bag of things to see, explore, take in. Here you see the new blocks being made for a print and you see here there are 4 and as Archana told me if there are four colors used in a print then there will be four blocks. The blocks are being oiled here for I think 48 hours before they are used first. Close to about 30,000 meters of fabric can be printed with the new blocks.

Here you see Archana with the tailor master jee discussing my samples. Oh! what pleasure that was to meet the creator himself and discuss the things and he was so amazed when I could speak the Rajasthani dialect.

Me and Archana discussing the collection for table mats, runners and napkins. Watch the space they will be coming soon.
Here you see an artisan working with full but relaxed concentration on a patchwork quilt for a label from Uk/ They are doing some pretty amazing work. The sorbet coloured fabrics were absolutely soft like ice creme. I know its so difficult to sew the Mul fabric! But these women are geniuses! Bow to them!

Here you see Deviyana, who came here as a child and now she is a teacher here. She is also a professional Kathak dancer and also gives lessons in dancing. She told me how happy she was growing up here and she said that they could learn so many extra curricular things too. One was dancing.
I love this picture, its like Deviyana is coming out of the shadow of Goddess Saraswati!
This is the outdoor dining area, when the weather is nice they eat out here under the skies and the stars. In the background you can see about 4 solar panels. Almost the whole place is mostly run either by solar energy and the cooking is done with Bio gas and the remains from the Bio gas are then used for the plants.
Indoor sit down dining area! It had such a calm vibe.
This picture I had to talk for R as he loves Indian red onions and me too and so do my girls! The Indian summer onions are so sweet and these were grown right here.

Lunch being cooked!
It was such a delight to see such professional work and such nice vibes. From library to prayer room, from outdoor dining to indoor dining, from science lab, to solar plants to bio gas, and not to mention their own food what they grow. I was really touched and blown away as well. I am so glad to be a part of this family and I hope we do many little nice things and beautiful products together.
And what a treat that was for me to meet the lady behind all this: Jaimala and her husband and the Gujarati Thali I got to enjoy was an absolute delight! I loved the Aam ka ras/ Mango juice from the fresh mangoes, with hot Puris and not to mention the rice pulav, the pickles and so much more, see you yourself. A treat for my soul as well! Thank you Jaimala for opening your home and hearts to me. It was my highlight in Jaipur.
A few pictures from Jaimala's home! My first look was a piece of Europe and that too Florence! Delightful!
Jaimala – the perfect host and the spread!
Having lunch with her and her husband and look at me absolutely enjoying every bite!
Thank you Jaimala for organising everything and taking me and my label as your client. I could not be happier to be a part of this ride.
More power to each one of you.
Me with Archana. Thank your Archana for taking me there and showing me around, until next time.
And we could enjoy the fresh sugarcane juice on the highway! I absolutely love that and miss it here so much.
Cheers Archana!
I couldn't be more happier to end my post with such powerful and meaningful words! Amen to that!
"There is no tool for development more effective then the empowerment of Women"
Absolutely true! Empower women! Empower families and Empower Nations!

1 comment
I am very happy to see this project which works for such needy women for them it was very difficult to live with their children without proper food and education.Here they take good food and also education for their children and learn how to work for the projecr.I thank Mrs. Jaimalaji for such good work. My many 2 good wishes for her work.
I also thank Archanaji for working with such good N. G. O.